2023年9月,福建省太赫兹功能器件与智能传感重点实验室在国际知名期刊《Composites Communications》发表题为“A bistable helical structure based on composite tape-springs”的文章。论文提出了一种基于复合材料卷尺结构的双稳态螺旋结构,该结构制备简单,变形机制稳定可靠。研究首先建立了基于零高斯曲率变形的非拉伸应变能模型,用于预测该结构的双稳态特性以及相应扭转变形过程的应变能路径。此外,研制了一台轴向位移载荷装置用于研究该结构非线性扭转变形机制。该研究将有助于航空航天可展结构的扭转结构设计。文章第一作者为2021级硕士研究生徐彪,通讯作者为重点实验室副主任王冰教授,重点实验室主任钟舜聪教授等其他成员也共同参与了课题研究。

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a bistable helical structure based on composite tape-springs, showing the axial shape-changing process in terms of both the twisted angle, φ, and the axial displacement per unit length, δ, as a function of the helical angle, θ; insets present: (a) the constitutive definition of the representative volume unit; (b) extended stable configuration; (c) intermediate twisted shape; (d) fully-twisted stable configuration.

Figure 2. Experimental setup of the bespoke axial displacement rig used to monitor the shape-changing process of the bistable helical structure.

Figure 3. (a) A polar plot of the helical structural strain energy U calculated by using Eqn (3) as a function of the structural ratio, α, and helical angle, θ; (b) the strain energy path along the contour line when α = 0.5, associated with typical shapes from a real bistable helical structure.
Figure 4展示了在轴向位移载荷作用下,双稳态螺旋结构非线性扭转变形过程的实验表征。

Figure 4. Experimental characterisation of the non-linear shape-changing process of the bistable helical structure when subjected to axial displacement. Both the loading and unloading processes are presented, together with typical non-uniform twisted sample shapes.
